
Thu 10 Jun 2021

Tumblelog 5.0.2

In the morning while working on a slightly improved version of using inspiration from tumblelog I noticed a small bug in the latter; I had written:

my $exit_code //= 0;

Instead of

my $exit_code = shift // 0;

in sub show_usage_and_exit. I fixed this and pushed version 5.0.1 of tumblelog.

Later, when running the Dockerized Python version of tumblelog I got a warning explaining that the default Loader of yaml.load() is unsafe. In the evening I fixed this issue and pushed 5.0.2.

Encoding your HTTP for fun and profit

HTTP content encoding is an incredibly powerful tool that can save you huge amounts of bandwidth and make your web or mobile application faster, basically for free.

Unfortunately, it's poorly understood by most developers. There's a lot of power here, but few people are aware of the options or what "content encoding" really means, so it's mostly left to be handled automatically (for better or worse) by your web server.

In many cases that means no encoding at all. In some helpful cases (typically CDNs or static site PaaS hosts) a useful basic default will be provided, but those defaults are rarely the best choice for every situation.

With just a tiny sprinkle of knowledge, you can enable this and speed up your web application, your API, and all your HTTP requests & responses in no time at all.

Source: Encoding your HTTP for fun and profit, an article by Tim Perry.

All you need is 5 fonts

There weren’t as many web fonts to pick from when I started my freelance career in the early 2000s, still I was always overwhelmed by the number of fonts to choose from. With no formal education in design or typography, my choices were uninformed and limited.

It’s kinda funny to look back and realise that it was harder for me to choose fonts when there were fewer to choose from than now. I had moved away from being a freelance graphic designer in the years since then, but I still do branding, web design and graphic design work for my own projects. I acquired enough experience and learned so much about web typography in my career that I naturally came to the conclusion that many designers had reached before me—all you need is 5 fonts.

Source: All you need is 5 fonts, an article by Matej Latin.