An example of a Twitter card for a Plurrrr post on iOS.
I also created a tiny Perl program to generate a text file with tweets
which I can automatically tweet using another Perl program. I hope to
get more visitors this way. For more information, see the
aforementioned link.
“Premature optimization is the root of all evil“: the famous
Knuth-ism that we all know and… well, that we all know. It’s hard to
go a day of reading programming blogs without someone referencing
this and leaving their particular footnote on it. I suppose today I
am that someone.
[W]e should pursue loose coupling, so one would be able to easily
analyze/debug/maintain any class, without detailed knowledge about
other classes within the system. The looser the coupling is, the
more independent the classes are.
This article lists bugs which you and I have encountered in macOS
Mojave 10.14.6 itself, rather than issues in specific third-party
applications and other software.
Everything in Python is an object. Some objects can hold other
objects, such as lists, tuples, dicts, classes, etc. Because of
dynamic Python's nature, such approach requires a lot of small
memory allocations. To speed-up memory operations and reduce
fragmentation Python uses a special manager on top of the
general-purpose allocator, called PyMalloc.