Fourier transforms are a tool used in a whole bunch of different
things. This is an explanation of what a Fourier transform does, and
some different ways it can be useful.
While contributing to a big OSS project it’s quite useful to know
how to do a Git rebase. And more importantly: don’t be afraid of the
Git force push. In this post I will write a little about the why and
the how.
The purpose of this serie is to review some parts of the CPython’s code.
Why ?
Well there are multiple reasons :
Because we can. The project is opensource and the source code is
freely available here :
I strongly believe that we, as developpers, can learn a lot by
studying good and clean code. And I think we can safely assume
that CPython’s code, which is used practicaly everywhere, meet
this crietria.
I also think that studying python internals can make us better
python programmers, for example ever wondered why changing
sys.stdout seems to have no effect on subprocesses ? Well at the
end of this article You will know why.
The why of why people use vim has been covered fairly
extensively, so I
thought I would spend a little time explaining why I teach vim to my
high school students, even in 2020.
In the near future, crime is patrolled by a mechanized police
force. When one police droid, Chappie, is stolen and given new
programming, he becomes the first robot with the ability to think
and feel for himself.
In the evening we watched
Chappie. I liked the movie
and give it a 7.5 out of 10.
For the first time in almost two
decades, Apple
has decided to bump up the version number of the Mac’s operating
system. The change is meant to call attention to both the pending
Apple Silicon
Sur will be the first macOS version to run on Apple’s own chips,
even if it’s not the first to require those chips—and to an
iPad-flavored redesign that significantly overhauls the look, feel,
and sound of the operating system for the first time in a long
while. Even the post-iOS-7 Yosemite update took pains to keep most
things in the same
as it changed their look.
In the early evening I commented on a terrarium video posted on
Facebook that if I was the owner of the terrarium I would provide more
higher anchor points to the Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens shown
webbing around. I keep this species in a plastic container with quite
some height as I understand that this species can be found several
feet above the ground:
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens live in extreme xeric conditions in
sandy thorn tree/cactus forests on the Paraguana Peninsula of
Venezuela. This species is an "opportunistic burrower", whereby,
they will make their silken retreats in the dried fissures of the
ground, in old dried and piled up cacti, at the base of large thorny
trees or up in the natural cavities of those thorny acacia tree
... basically, wherever the prey availability forces them to make
their retreat. The trees are rarely higher than 12 feet and either
cracks in the tree or natural tree cavities are never above 6 feet.
There are MANY theraphosid taxa that live high in trees that are not
true arboreals AND there are true arboreals that have been found
living in fossorial ground burrows or under fallen logs lying on the
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens webbing using various anchor points.
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens webbing using various anchor points.
So I keep this species without a water dish on dry coco peat with only
a small part kept moist. I also place a drop of water on the web near
the spider now and then. On the 8th of April,
2020 I could take photos
of this specimen taking moisture from the substrate.
The M1 Macs are out now, and not only does Apple claim they're
absolutely smokin', early benchmarks seem to confirm those claims. I
don't find this surprising, Apple has been highly focused on
performance ever since Tiger, and as far as I can tell hasn't let up
One maybe somewhat surprising aspect of the M1s is the limitation to
"only" 16 Gigabytes of memory. As someone who bought a 16 Kilobyte
language card to run the Merlin 6502 assembler on his Apple ][+ and
expanded his NeXT cube, which isn't that different from a modern
Mac, to a whopping 16 Megabytes, this doesn't actually seem that
much of a limitation, but it did cause a bit of consternation.
I’ve seen many people online talk about liking
Go and using it, but being confused by its
dependency system, called Go modules. This blog post aims to provide
a simple introduction with examples. It focuses mostly on Unix-based
systems like Linux and macOS over Windows.
This post does not cover all possible ways of using Go modules. It’s
just a simple introduction with the most common use cases.
Charles proxy is an HTTP debugging proxy that can inspect network
calls and debug SSL traffic. With Charles, you are able to inspect
requests/responses, headers and cookies. Today we will see how to
set up Charles, and how we can use Charles proxy for web
scraping. We will focus on extracting data from Javascript-heavy web
pages and mobile applications.
I booted the arm64e kernel of macOS 11.0.1 beta 1 kernel in QEMU up
to launchd. It’s completely useless, but may be interesting if
you’re wondering how an Apple Silicon Mac will boot.
For the past five years, I’ve done all of my software development in
virtual machines (VMs). Each of my projects gets a dedicated VM,
sparing me the headache of dependency conflicts and TCP port
Three years ago, I took things to the next level by building my own
homelab server to host all of my VMs. It’s been a fantastic
investment, as it sped up numerous dev tasks and improved
In the past few months, I began hitting the limits of my VM
server. My projects have become more resource-hungry, and mistakes
I’d made in my first build were coming back to bite me. I decided to
build a brand new homelab VM server for 2020.
In the evening Alice held the female adult Aphonopelma seemanni I
keep. Currently, this tarantula is held in a smaller enclosure so her
main enclosure can dry out a bit.
It's easy to miss things when removing code, leaving behind unused
methods, templates, CSS classes or translation keys. (Especially in
a dynamic language like Ruby, without a compiler to help you spot
dead code.)
I avoid this by removing code systematically, line by line,
This is one of those things that seems obvious when you do it, but
in my experience, many people do it haphazardly.
Once in a while I get asked the question whether one should write
solitary tests
for logging functionality. My answer to this question is the typical
consultant answer: “It depends”. In essence, logging is an
infrastructure concern. The end result is log data that is being
written to a resource which is external to an application. Usually
the generated data ends up in a file, a database or it might even
end up in a cloud service.
I lay out a case for moving security enforcement into the hands of
developers. I show how I and another developer at r2c successfully
identified data leakage in our logs, fixed the issue, and prevented
it from happening in the future. We did this in a matter of hours,
without assistance from our AppSec team.
Today we celebrate the eleventh birthday of the Go open source
release. The parties we had for Go turning
10 seem like a distant
memory. It’s been a tough year, but we’ve kept Go development moving
forward and accumulated quite a few highlights.
Every now and then I get questions on how to work with git in a
smooth way when developing, bug-fixing or extending curl – or how I
do it. After all, I work on open source full
which means I have very frequent interactions with git (and
GitHub). Simply put, I work with git all day long. Ordinary days, I
issue git commands several hundred times.
I have a very simple approach and way of working with git in
curl. This is how it works.
You’re processing a large amount of data with Python, the processing
seems easily parallelizable—and it’s sloooooooow.
The obvious next step is switch to some sort of multiprocessing, or
even start processing data on a cluster so you can use multiple
machines. Obvious, but often wrong: switching straight to
multiprocessing, and even more so to a cluster, can be a very
expensive choice in the long run.
In this article you’ll learn why, as we:
Consider two different goals for performance: faster results and
reduced hardware costs.
See how different approaches achieve those goals.
Suggest a better order for many situations: performance
optimization first, only then trying parallelization.
I never got used to bash scripting syntax. Whenever I have to write
a more-than-trivial bash script, the strange syntax annoys me, and I
have to Google every little thing I need to do, starting from how to
do comparisons in if statements, how to use sed , etc.
For me, using Python as a shell scripting language seems like a
better choice.
Python is a more expressive language. It is relatively
concise. It has a massive built-in library that let you perform many
tasks without even using shell commands, it is cross-platform and it
is preinstalled or easily installed in many OS’s.
I am aware that some other dynamic languages (e.g Perl, Lua) might
also be very suitable for shell programming, but I (and my team) work
with Python daily and familiar with it, and it gets the jobe done.
We started this series with an overview of the CPython
VM. We
learned that to run a Python program, CPython first compiles it to
bytecode, and we studied how the compiler works in part
two. Last
time we stepped through the CPython source code starting with the
main() function until we reached the evaluation loop, a place where
Python bytecode gets executed. The main reason why we spent time
studying these things was to prepare for the discussion that we
start today. The goal of this discussion is to understand how
CPython does what we tell it to do, that is, how it executes the
bytecode to which the code we write compiles.