
week 08, 2023

Terraria Expo Houten

In the morning my brother Marco picked us up to go to the Terraria Expo in the city of Houten, near the city of Utrecht. I had been looking forward to this expo for quite some time and was considering to buy two tarantulas that were on my wish list for some time:

  • Monocentropus balfouri (Socotra Island Blue Baboon tarantula)
  • Tliltocatl albopilosus (Curlyhair tarantula)

Soon after we had entered the expo building a man walked towards us holding a ferret. Alice loved the ferret and soon was holding the excited animal. While I took some photos she got softly bitten in her chin by the ferret.

Alice holding a Mustela furo (ferret)
Alice holding a Mustela furo (ferret).

After we had looked a bit around in the small area with mostly rodents we entered the large one with many tables. Soon we came upon the table of Dawid Staroń's Exotic Spiders. In the past I had ordered three tarantula slings with Dawid. Sadly, after some time, two died. I still keep the Ephebopus cyanognathus, which remains mostly well hidden.

Dawid Staroń's Exotic Spiders
Dawid Staroń's Exotic Spiders.

The majority of the tables was assigned to selling reptiles and amphibians. We looked at the beautiful but pricey snakes on display. At the table of EC Reptiles I took several photos of Python regius on display.

Python regius on display
Python regius on display.

After some more walking we came upon the table of the Belgian Tarantula Breeding Team. They had both spiders I wanted; a large female Monocentropus balfouri and an even larger female Tliltocatl albopilosum [sic]. But since we where half way the large expo area I decided to keep looking around a bit more.

Belgian Tarantula Breeding Team
Belgian Tarantula Breeding Team

A while later I decided to return and make the purchase of the two tarantulas I had seen. I paid €70 for the Monocentropus balfouri and €50 for the Tliltocatl albopilosus. Female tarantulas are more expensive because they live much longer compared to males.

After the expo we decided to have lunch. My brother knew a place nearby but sadly it was loaded and no space for us. So we went to another restaurant he knew in the city of Zoetermeer. After a nice late lunch he dropped us of at our home.

Tliltocatl albopilosus in her terrarium
Tliltocatl albopilosus in her terrarium.

Back home I repurposed two terrariums, large plastic containers, that belonged to animals that sadly had passed away. The first one for the Tliltocatl albopilosus female. Moving her from the small plastic container into the terrarium went easy. The terrarium had already a starter burrow which she soon after found and used to hide from view.

Monocentropus balfouri in her terrarium
Monocentropus balfouri in her terrarium.

Next, I moved the Monocentropus balfouri into her terrarium. This was a bit more challenging: the spider moved way faster than the previous one even before I had opened the container she came in. After I carefully had removed the lid I carefully pushed her with a large tweezer I had also bought at the expo. She threat posed a few times but nothing serious.

Acanthoscurria geniculata eating a superworm Zophobas morio
Acanthoscurria geniculata eating a superworm Zophobas morio

After I had housed the two new tarantulas I fed the following four tarantulas each a superworm Zophobas morio — I had bought two small containers at the expo as well:

  • Acanthoscurria geniculata female (actually Adam's tarantula)
  • Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
  • Pterinochilus murinus RFC
  • Ephebopus cyanognathus

I didn't feed the Psalmopoeus irminia because the spider had closed its cork tube with silk.

Critical or High-Severity Vulnerabilities in Containers

An alarming 87% of container images running in production have critical or high-severity vulnerabilities, up from 75% a year ago, according to the "Sysdig 2023 Cloud-Native Security and Usage Report." Yet only 15% of those unpatched critical and high-severity vulnerabilities are in packages in use at runtime when patches are available.

Source: 87% of Container Images in Production Have Critical or High-Severity Vulnerabilities, an article by Jeffrey Schwartz.

Go test and parallelism

I was recently debugging an issue in some integration-style Go tests which made me realize that I didn't have a very deep understanding of how parallelism works when using go test. I knew that there were ways that Go could parallelize tests, and I thought it had something to do with using t.Parallel() inline in each of my test functions.

Because I feel the concurrency behavior of go test is non-obvious, and for posterity so I don't forget in the future, I wanted to write something up here to document my understanding of how go test parallelization works as of Go 1.19.

Source: go test and parallelism, an article by Bryce Neal.

The Whale (2022)

A reclusive, morbidly obese English teacher attempts to reconnect with his estranged teenage daughter.

In the evening Esme and I watched The Whale. I liked the movie and give it an 8 out of 10.

Wordsmithing in Emacs

Emacs has long had a competent spell checker, and it's capable of distinguishing code from prose, which is useful to many. But Emacs 28 adds a compelling dictionary lookup feature that warrants a much closer look.

Source: Wordsmithing in Emacs, an article by Mickey Petersen.

Step-by-Step Guide: Installing Proxmox VE

Looking to set up a virtualization server? Proxmox is a popular choice for IT professionals and tech enthusiasts alike. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Proxmox makes it easy to run virtual machines on your own hardware. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of installing Proxmox on your server. Whether you’re new to virtualization or a seasoned pro, we’ve got you covered.

Source: Step-by-Step Guide: Installing Proxmox VE, an article by Silvester Benjamin.

NP-Complete isn't (always) Hard

A common assumption I see on the ‘net is that NP-complete problems are impossible to solve. I recently read that dependency management in Python is hard because package resolution is NP-complete. This is true in principle, but the reality is more complicated. When we say “NP-complete is hard” we’re talking about worst-case complexity, and the average-case complexity is often much more tractable. Many industry problems are “well-behaved” and modern SAT solvers can solve them quickly.

Source: NP-Complete isn't (always) Hard, an article by Hillel Wayne.

Why SAT Is Hard

An introductory post about complexity theory today! It is relatively well-known that there exist so-called NP-complete problems — particularly hard problems, such that, if you solve one of them efficiently, you can solve all of them efficiently. I think I’ve learned relatively early that, e.g., SAT is such a hard problem. I’ve similarly learned a bunch of specific examples of equally hard problems, where solving one solves the other. However, why SAT is harder than any NP problem remained a mystery for a rather long time to me. It is a shame — this fact is rather intuitive and easy to understand. This post is my attempt at an explanation. It assumes some familiarity with the space, but it’s not going to be too technical or thorough.

Source: Why SAT Is Hard, an article by Alex Kladov.

GNU Readline Keyboard Shortcuts

Most command line programs that offer line editing – like bash, Python, GDB, psql, sqlite and more – do so using GNU readline. Readline's a powerful library that grants history, completion, movement and editing to programs that use it — and a stable and consistent set of keyboard shortcuts.

Shame, then, that even serious command line hackers never bother learning about its capabilities, as they can supercharge your command line productivity.

Source: Keyboard Shortcuts every Command Line Hacker should know about GNU Readline, an article by Mickey Petersen.

My Own Python Web Framework

Jar is a toy Python web framework, implemented in about 200 lines of code (see I built it to explore some ideas around framework APIs, and to explore frameworks from the author-side of things. Please don't actually use it. It's called Jar because it has almost no features and you need to fill it up yourself!

Source: My Own Python Web Framework, an article by Andrew Healey.

C++ Coroutines Part 1: co_yield, co_return and a Prime Sieve

C++ is late to the coroutine party, compared to other programming languages, but they are part of C++20. Prior to coroutines, a C++ programmer had two choices, roughly speaking:

  • Synchronous (straight line) code is easier to understand but less efficient.
  • Asynchronous code (e.g. callbacks) is more efficient (letting you do other work while waiting for things) but is also more complicated (manually saving and restoring state).

Coroutines, “functions whose execution you can pause”, aim to get the best of both worlds: programs that look like sync code but performs like async code.

Source: C++ Coroutines Part 1: co_yield, co_return and a Prime Sieve, an article by Nigel Tao.

Dropbear SSH

Dropbear is a relatively small SSH server and client. It runs on a variety of unix platforms. Dropbear is open source software, distributed under a MIT-style license. Dropbear is particularly useful for "embedded"-type Linux (or other Unix) systems, such as wireless routers.

Source: Dropbear SSH, an article by Matt Johnston.

Queues should be empty

I’ve been writing a pubsub listener for work recently and had this silly “shower thought”: the ideal queue should be empty. Why? If the queue is not empty, it means that whatever job is consuming from the queue is not keeping up with messages coming into it. Ok, then if queues are supposed to be empty, then what are they good for?

Source: Queues should be empty, an article by Josh Voigts.

Advice you might as well take

I've read some nice articles recently which I can sum up as “advice you might as well take.” This is stuff that's good to consider at the beginning of a project, or when you're about to add a feature to some existing software.

These articles run counter to YAGNI (You Ain't Gonna Need It), the software design principle that says you should only ever add things you'll be using right away. Many even call this out in their titles! One even addresses this by coining an alternative term, PAGNI (Probably Are Gonna Need It), so let's start with that one.

Source: advice you might as well take, an article by Brian Hicks.