
week 49, 2024

Another tumblelog update

In the afternoon I worked a little on both the Python and Perl version of tumblelog. Either program generates this tumblelog from a Markdown file with some extra directives.

The changes I made are:

  • Improve regular expressions for heading plus article parsing.
  • Bump JSON feed to version 1.1.
  • Use application/feed+json MIME type for JSON feed.

The latest version is available as always on GitHub.

Escape Plan (2013)

When a structural-security authority finds himself set up and incarcerated in the world's most secret and secure prison, he has to use his skills to escape with help from the inside.

In the evening we watched Escape Plan as requested by Alice. Esme and I had seen the movie a long time ago. I liked the movie and give it a 7 out of 10.