Three tarantula slings
On Monday I ordered the following three tarantula slings with Exotic-Spiders:
- 0.0.1 Caribena versicolor (2cm) €10.00
- 0.0.1 Ephebopus cyanognathus (3cm) €20.00
- 0.0.1 Psalmopoeus cambridgei (2cm) €5.00
They were shipped the next day but due to delays arrived only today. Luckily everything arrived in good health.

The first two on the above list were on the wishlist I made back in March. I added an Psalmopoeus cambridgei because I am very happy with the Psalmopoeus irminia I got the 7th of April.

First, I rehoused the Caribena versicolor sling to a small terrarium that I just had prepared. As this is an arboreal species I used a small cork tube filled with some moss and added some small fake plants so it can climb away from the substrate, for which I used slightly moist coco peat, about an inch (2.5cm). I also drilled three rows of small holes in both sides of the terrarium as well as several holes in the lid to provide ventilation.

Next, I rehoused the Ephebopus cyanognathus sling to a small terrarium. I used a lot of substrate, slightly moist coco peat, about 2 inches (5cm). In the middle I made a small starter burrow and on the top of the substrate I put some leafs, small leaf cuttings, and two twigs. For inspiration I used the YouTube video Ephebopus cyanognathus-Guyane-2007, which shows this species being teased out of its natural burrow.
After I had put the spider in its terrarium and after I had taken some photos I pushed it carefully with a brush in the direction of the burrow I had made and it entered it.
Edit: I rehoused this tarantula 2 days later.

Finally, I rehoused the Psalmopoeus cambridgei sling to a small terrarium. I used pieces of cork bark and a small fake plastic plant to provide hiding and climbing spots as this species is arboreal. Again I used coco peat for substrate, about one inch (2.5cm).

In the above photo you can see all three terrariums in the foreground. In the back ground is the rest of my arachnid collection: seven more tarantulas and a small scorpion. I now own the following tarantula species:
- Aphonopelma seemanni
- Brachypelma smithi
- Caribena versicolor
- Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
- Ephebopus cyanognathus
- Hapalopus sp. “Colombia” big
- Heteroscodra maculata
- Psalmopoeus cambridgei
- Psalmopoeus irminia
- Pterinochilus murinus RCF
And one scorpion: Chaerilus sp. Java.