Rehousing an Ephebopus cyanognathus
In the early afternoon I rehoused the Ephebopus cyanognathus sling that arrived two days ago. Yesterday evening I noticed that it had constructed a hiding spot with some leaf litter and webbing that reached the lid of the small container that I had prepared for it last Friday.

As I was afraid that it would make this hiding spot taller, and hence I would break it each time I removed the lid, I decided to move the tarantula to a larger and much higher enclosure.

I used two cork tubes, a fake plant, and plenty of leaf litter. For substrate I used slightly moist coco peat, about 2 inch (5cm). Transferring the spider went very easy, I was able to move it with some webbed substrate and leaf litter. In my (short) experience this species can move very fast in short bursts.

The terrarium is quite large for such a small spider, but I am sure I will find where it is going to set up its hiding spot, most likely constructed from leaf litter.
In the above photo you can see the metallic blue chelicerae it is named after.