
Mon 20 Feb 2023

Queues should be empty

I’ve been writing a pubsub listener for work recently and had this silly “shower thought”: the ideal queue should be empty. Why? If the queue is not empty, it means that whatever job is consuming from the queue is not keeping up with messages coming into it. Ok, then if queues are supposed to be empty, then what are they good for?

Source: Queues should be empty, an article by Josh Voigts.

Advice you might as well take

I've read some nice articles recently which I can sum up as “advice you might as well take.” This is stuff that's good to consider at the beginning of a project, or when you're about to add a feature to some existing software.

These articles run counter to YAGNI (You Ain't Gonna Need It), the software design principle that says you should only ever add things you'll be using right away. Many even call this out in their titles! One even addresses this by coining an alternative term, PAGNI (Probably Are Gonna Need It), so let's start with that one.

Source: advice you might as well take, an article by Brian Hicks.