
Thu 06 Apr 2023

Polars for initial data analysis, Polars for production

Polars has two fundamental APIs, each of which is useful in different situations:

  • “Eager” mode, which is similar to how Pandas works, is well-suited for initial and exploratory data analysis.
  • For production use, “lazy” mode often execute much faster, with lower memory usage, at the cost of not giving you access to intermediate result.

In this article we’ll use both two APIs and see how Polars lets you transition from looking at the data to something we can run even more efficiently in production.

Source: Polars for initial data analysis, Polars for production, an article by Itamar Turner-Trauring.

Single-Command Server Bootstrapping

When you spin up a new VM or bare metal server at some cloud provider, what is the fastest and easiest way to get the server to run a certain configuration? In this article, I show how to do the partitioning, formatting, and installing a fully configured NixOS, starting from a random rescue system, in 5 minutes and with literally a single command: nixos-anywhere.

Source: Single-Command Server Bootstrapping, an article by Jacek Galowicz.