
Fri 07 Apr 2023

Inlining SVGs for Dark Mode

Recent browsers use the prefers-color-scheme option to automatically choose light or dark mode CSS styles, if the website supports it. And my website did support it, not that I knew it until people started commenting that my syntax-highlighted code blocks were unreadable! I figured out how to toggle light/dark mode in Firefox (ctrl+shift+I to open the inspector pane then click the sun/moon icons), perused my website, and found an even greater problem: my treasured vector diagrams that I put so much time & effort into were completely invisible against a dark background! Here’s a quick post about supporting dark mode on my blog by inlining SVGs and setting their color with the currentColor CSS variable.

Source: Inlining SVGs for Dark Mode, an article by Andrew Helwer.

Packaging a python library

I think the packaging best practices should be revisited, there are lots of good tools now-days that are either unused or underused. It's generally a good thing to re-evaluate best practices all the time.

I assume here that your package is to be tested on multiple Python versions, with different combinations of dependency versions, settings etc.

And few principles that I like to follow when packaging:

  • If there's a tool that can help with testing use it. Don't waste time building a custom test runner if you can just use py.test or nose. They come with a large ecosystem of plugins that can improve your testing.
  • When possible, prevent issues early. This is mostly a matter of strictness and exhaustive testing. Design things to prevent common mistakes.
  • Collect all the coverage data. Record it. Identify regressions.
  • Test all the possible configurations.

Source: Packaging a python library, an article by Ionel Cristian Mărieș.

PostgreSQL Logical Replication Gotchas

PostgreSQL 10 came with the welcome addition of the logical replication feature. This provides a more flexible and easier means to replicate your tables than the regular streaming replication mechanism. However, it does have some limitations that may or may not prevent you from employing it for replication. Read on to learn more.

Source: PostgreSQL Logical Replication Gotchas

Avatar: The Way of Water (2022)

Jake Sully lives with his newfound family formed on the extrasolar moon Pandora. Once a familiar threat returns to finish what was previously started, Jake must work with Neytiri and the army of the Na'vi race to protect their home.

In the evening Alice, Esme, and I watched Avatar: The Way of Water. A beautifully made movie. I liked it a lot and give it a solid 9 out of 10.