
Sat 16 Jul 2022

A lifehack for your shell

I'm a fan of the unzip command line utility that ships with macOS. I give it a .zip file and it unzips it for me. No flags or arguments to remember (for my typical usages anyway). Most importantly, I've fully internalized the unzip command into muscle memory, probably because of its perfect mnemonic.

Source: A lifehack for your shell, an article by Álvaro Ramírez.

Do you really understand interfaces?

When I was learning Java in college, I did not understand the use for interfaces. You can't define functions inside an interface. You can only declare them. You have to have a class implement the interface to define it's functions and then use them. That's crazy! Pretty worthless piece of crap I would think. I can just write my classes and their functions normally. Why would I declare them in one place and define in another. I don't even need to declare them. Just write my functions normally in a class. It's totally redundant.

Source: Do you really understand interfaces?.