
Sun 13 Feb 2022

Faster Python calculations with Numba

For certain types of computation, in particular array-focused code, the Numba library can significantly speed up your code. Sometimes you’ll need to tweak it a bit, sometimes it’ll just work with no changes. And when it works, it’s a very transparent speed fix.

In this article we’ll cover:

  • Why using NumPy on its own is sometimes not enough.
  • The basics of using Numba.
  • How Numba works, at a high-level, and the difference that makes to how your code runs.

Source: Faster Python calculations with Numba: 2 lines of code, 13× speed-up, an article by Itamar Turner-Trauring.

Running your own email server

Email was one of the earliest services for communication via the internet. But, hosting such a simple service is quite complicated nowadays. In this post I have documented how I set up an email server for a business quickly and easily.

Source: Running your own email server, an article by Vimarsh Shah.

How to write better Django code

In this post I will be sharing some tips, which can be used for better code quality. It will also help you not to shoot yourself in the foot later in the process.

As many know, Django is an awesome web framework. It allows building webapps, prototypes etc. blazing fast. I have been using it for most of my projects, and I have never been disappointed. Django works great in small to medium codebases. The problems start to arise, when codebase start to grow to millions of LOC with hundreds of models.

Source: How to write better Django code, an article by Klemen Štrajhar.