You’ve likely heard everyone at the office or online proclaim that
“K8s has eaten everyone’s lunch!” or that “everything should be in a
docker container!”.
While there are advantages to the above methodologies; it’s very
easy to have cargo-culted their adoption; especially for Kubernetes
(K8s). I find the biggest problem however that there is a
fundamental lacking of what is a container.
The Unix philosophy lays emphasis on building software that is
simple and extensible. Each piece of software must do one thing and
do it well. And that software should be able to work with other
programs through a common interface – a text stream. This is one of
the core philosophies of Unix which makes it so powerful and
intuitive to use.
With Go being a relatively modern programming language, first
released in 2009, it is not unsurprising that it has great support
for Unicode strings. What is surprising is just how far this support
In the evening I decided to take photos of the Aphonopelma seemanni
I keep and its terrarium. I bought this tarantula together with a
Brachypelma smithi the 7th of March 2020 during a visit
to Avonturia De
Close up of an Aphonopelma seemanni in its burrow.
Back then I made a starter burrow under a piece of cork tube cut in
half. It moved in and has dug the starter burrow much larger since
then. Recently it has been closing the opening with substrate and also
webbed closed the opening. Most likely because it is going to molt
It still likes to "hang out" as you can see in the above photo, with
its legs pressed against the webbing.
The terrarium is a 19 litre (5 US gallon) plastic container with holes
drilled in the lid. For substrate I used 12cm (4.7 inch) of a mix of
coco peat and sand.
Aphonopelma seemanni terrarium; a large plastic tub.
In the above photo you can see the cork tube, fake plastic plants,
some twigs and a piece of wood, some real moss, and a plastic bottle
cap to provide the large spider with a source of water.