
Sun 10 May 2020

Alice and the red cat

On our way to my mother's house we encountered a red cat. Alice walked towards it and started to pet it.

Alice petting a red cat
Alice petting a red cat.

Propagating user-facing errors in Swift

If it’s one thing that almost all programs have in common is that they will, at some point, encounter some form of error. While some errors might be the result of bugs and failures caused by faulty code, incorrect assumptions, or system incompatibilities — there are also multiple kinds of errors that are completely normal, valid parts of a program’s execution.

One challenge with such errors is how to propagate and present them to the user, which can be really tricky, even if we disregard tasks like crafting informative and actionable error messages. It’s so incredibly common to see apps either display a generic ”An error occurred” message regardless of what kind of error that was encountered, or throw walls of highly technical debugging text at the user — neither of which is a great user experience.

So this week, let’s take a look at a few techniques that can make it much simpler to propagate runtime errors to our users, and how employing some of those techniques could help us present richer error messages without having to add a ton of complexity within each UI implementation.

Source: Propagating user-facing errors in Swift, an article by John Sundell.