
Fri 03 Apr 2020

Buying Plants

Before noon, Esme and I went to garden centre "De Carlton", which is just a short ride from our house. I was not sure if the place wou ld be open but it was. I wanted to buy two orchids, Phalaenopsis sp. And after looking around for a while Esme fell in love with a large specimen of Monstera deliciosa.

Guzmanias on display
Guzmania plants on display.

When I found out it was only 5 euro to have the large plant delivered I decided to buy it as displayed standing inside a nice basket.

Monstera deliciosa in our living room
Monstera deliciosa in our living room.

On our way back, Esme spotted a large branch. In "De Carlton" they have a large branch hanging with plants and lamps attached to it. She wants something like this above our dining table. Despite the branch being large and heavy she insisted on carrying it on her bike while walking.

Moth Orchid Phalaenopsis sp. flowering
Moth Orchid Phalaenopsis sp. flowering.

Past 4pm the two orchids and the Monstera were delivered home. I took photos of the Monstera in its new location, and a photo of each of the orchids against a white background.

Moth Orchid Phalaenopsis sp. flowering
Moth Orchid Phalaenopsis sp. flowering.

The branch Esme took is probably going to be a weekend project. I can't wait to see it in place.

Don’t repeat my mistakes while developing a ML library

A while ago, I took a project where the goal was to develop a Natual Language Processing (NLP) library that would support multiple pre-trained embedding methods (BERT, Elmo, Word2Vec, etc.) — similar to Hugging Face’s transformers but with more models and support for multiple languages. The library should take a document corpus on the input and transform it into an aggregated embedding for each document. The library should be developed in Python 3 and the goal was to integrate it into an online platform for Machine Learning. In the development process, I’ve made many mistakes and I am sharing it with you, so you don’t repeat them. Most importantly I learned a lot!

Source: Don’t repeat my mistakes while developing a Machine Learning library, an article by Roman Orac.