Tarantula rehousing
In the afternoon I rehoused my smallest tarantula, a Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, from the plastic container it came in when I bought it to a much higher plastic container; 0.65 litre or 0.17 gallon. This species likes to web a lot and with a few twigs, which easily fit in the higher container, I could provide more anchor points.

In the above photo you can see the spider resting on top of some of its old webbing (left) which I transferred when I rehoused the tarantula. You can also see the 1mm holes I drilled for cross-ventilation. I also drilled four 1mm holes in the lid. The substrate to the right is kept slightly moist as this species prefers a dry climate. I used all substrate that came in the original container, which in this new container adds up to a depth of nearly 4cm or 1.57 inches.