
Sun 17 Nov 2019

In Defense of Utility-First CSS

“Favor composition over inheritance”. This piece of wisdom from Design Patterns, one of the most influential software engineering books, is the foundation of utility-first CSS. It also shares many principles with functional programming: immutability, composability, predictability, and avoidance of side-effects. The goal behind all those fancy terms is to write code that’s easier to maintain and to scale.

Source: In Defense of Utility-First CSS, an article by Sarah Dayan.

CSS Utility Classes and "Separation of Concerns"

Over the last several years, the way I write CSS has transitioned from a very "semantic" approach to something much more like what is often called "functional CSS."

Writing CSS this way can evoke a pretty visceral reaction from a lot of developers, so I'd like to explain how I got to this point and share some of the lessons and insights I've picked up along the way.

Source: CSS Utility Classes and "Separation of Concerns", an article by Adam Wathan.

The perils of functional CSS

Functional CSS is a contentious topic, and one that regularly generates heated comment thread debate. In such situations, it can be tricky to tease out the hyperbole from the measured opinion.

Here’s my view on the subject, based on my recent experimentations with the approach during a project to build a web application.

Source: The perils of functional CSS , an article by Jay Freestone.

How To Set Up Nginx with HTTP/2 Support

HTTP/2 is a new version of the Hypertext Transport Protocol, which is used on the Web to deliver pages from server to browser.

Source: How To Set Up Nginx with HTTP/2 Support on Ubuntu 18.04, an article by Brian Hogan.

In the evening I modified the NGINX configuration for Plurrrr to support HTTP/2 using the above article. This resulted in a Lighthouse mobile audit Performance score of 100 and a Best Practices score of 100.

Lighthouse mobile audit score for Plurrrr
Lighthouse mobile audit score for Plurrrr.

The low SEO score is in part caused by Plurrrr having an empty robots.txt file. According to Lighthouse:

robots.txt is not valid Lighthouse was unable to download a robots.txt file

An empty robots.txt is not valid
An empty robots.txt is not valid.

However, Google's Robots.txt Testing Tool reports 0 errors and 0 warnings. I reported what I consider a bug as Empty robots.txt is reported as not valid to the Google Chrome Lighthouse project.