In the afternoon I stopped event bubbling from an input field named
under control of a jQuery Datepicker to a nearby input element,
a checkbox, as follows:
.click(function(event) {
Before the above code each click in the input field resulted in the
nearby checkbox being toggled.
Also in the afternoon I recommended several books to my friend Simon,
via email:
"Remembrance of Earth's Past" a science fiction trilogy by the Chinese
writer Liu Cixin, which consists of the following books:
It took me a little while to get into the first book. I liked the
second book the most.
I wrote in my email that if Simon had already read this series he
would like Isaac Asimov's Foundation series as well. And vice versa, if
he already had read this series, the Foundation series is a must-read:
I also recommended The Night Angel trilogy, a fantasy series written
by Brent Weeks:
Also of this trilogy I liked the second book the most.
Another author I like a lot is John Sandford. I have read most of his
mystery novels but he has also written an SF with Ctein: Saturn Run.
And finally, I recommended The Swarm by
Frank Schätzing.