From Potter's Field: Good
In the afternoon I finished From Potter's Field, Kay Scarpetta book 6 by Patricia Cornwell. I liked the story.
In the afternoon I finished From Potter's Field, Kay Scarpetta book 6 by Patricia Cornwell. I liked the story.
Every now and then, at work, I find myself discussing git worfklows, commit messages, branching, releasing, versioning, changelogs etc. Since my opinion has remained fairly consistent for the past few years, I found myself repeating the same points a lot, so I wrote it down. This page is the resulting compilation of my opinions on the software development lifecycle (SDLC), without workplace-specific tangeants.
Source: My git worfklow, an article by Jean-Baptiste Doyon.
I’d like to preface this article by saying that it is not an authoritative guide, rather it is just me documenting my experience figuring various things out, in the hope that it’ll be useful or interesting to someone else. I assume some knowledge of Nix and containerization throughout this article.
Source: Adventures in building a Go container with Nix, an article by James Williams.