
Sat 01 Apr 2023

Moving from Rust to C++

I’ve been involved in Rust and the Rust community for many years now. Much of my work has been related to creating infrastructure for building GUI toolkits in Rust. However, I have found my frustrations with the language growing, and pine for the stable, mature foundation provided by C++.

Source: Moving from Rust to C++, an article by Raph Levien.

Tensors and Convolution

I made some strides in the practical understanding of tensors, convolution and how that becomes the foundation of a variety of DNN architectures referred as Convolutional Neural Networks. I then bit the bullet and began extracting the minimal source code I need from the OIDN library. I know there will be more snippets to extract, but hopefully those will be more mathematical in nature, and less structural.

Source: DNND 2: Tensors and Convolution, an article by Max Liani.

Why not tell people to "simply" use pyenv, poetry or anaconda

In “Relieving your Python packaging pain”, I shared what I’ve witnessed to be the most reliable way to avoid many python packaging problems, for a large number of users. This article listed the steps to take without justifying them, delegating this responsability to today’s post.

Among other things, it advised not to use homebrew, pyenv, anaconda, poetry, and other tools. The reason is mostly because they have too many modes of failure, while solving problems that people won’t have as long as they are battling more primitive issues.

Instead, it focused on providing a basic procedure that will let most people do their job and have the highest possible rate of success.

Source: Why not tell people to "simply" use pyenv, poetry or anaconda.