
Tue 28 Mar 2023

AWK technical notes

In the previous article Fascination with AWK we discussed why AWK is great for prototyping and is often the best alternative to the shell and Python. In this article I want to show you some interesting technical facts I learned about AWK.

Source: AWK technical notes, an article by Volodymyr Gubarkov.

Go linters configuration, the right version

As for today golangci-lint contains 120+ linters and what I often notice:

  • not everyone is aware of how to configure it
  • what are the pros and cons of some fields
  • what is The Best™ golangci-lint config
  • etc.

In this post, I'm going to share my config and some thoughts on why I prefer this or that. The post might look long due to the big YAML sections (hah, YAML), but most of the stuff is quite simple.

Source: Go linters configuration, the right version, an article by Oleg Kovalov.

Generating Configs with Nix + Cue

I've continued my excursion into improving my local development environment with Nix. In today's post, I want to share the solution I designed to tackle the problem of the root of a repository becoming full of various configuration files.

Source: Generating Configs with Nix + Cue, an article by Joshua Gilman.