
Mon 02 Jan 2023

A Decade of HardenedBSD

This year, HardenedBSD's codebase will turn a decade old. This article provides a retrospective on ten years of hard, rewarding work along with some personal reflections.

Source: A Decade of HardenedBSD, an article by Shawn Webb.

How to Test

This post describes my current approach to testing. When I started programming professionally, I knew how to write good code, but good tests remained a mystery for a long time. This is not due to the lack of advice — on the contrary, there’s abundance of information & terminology about testing. This celestial emporium of benevolent knowledge includes TDD, BDD, unit tests, integrated tests, integration tests, end-to-end tests, functional tests, non-functional tests, blackbox tests, glassbox tests, …

Knowing all this didn’t help me to create better software. What did help was trying out different testing approaches myself, and looking at how other people write tests. Keep in mind that my background is mostly in writing compiler front-ends for IDEs. This is a rather niche area, which is especially amendable to testing. Compilers are pure self-contained functions. I don’t know how to best test modern HTTP applications built around inter-process communication.

Source: How to Test, an article by Alex Kladov.

Classifying Python virtual environment workflows

I have been spending some time as of late thinking, and asking the community via the fediverse, about how people deal with virtual environments in Python. I have ended up with various ways of classifying people's virtual environment management and I wanted to write it all down to both not forget and to explain to all the nice people answering my various polls on the topic why I was asking those questions.

Source: Classifying Python virtual environment workflows, an article by Brett Cannon.

Wind River (2017)

A veteran hunter helps an FBI agent investigate the murder of a young woman on a Wyoming Native American reservation.

In the evening Alice, Esme, and I watched Wind River. I liked the movie and give it an 8 out of 10.