
Thu 22 Dec 2022

Comprehensive Rust 🦀

This is a four day Rust course developed by the Android team. The course covers the full spectrum of Rust, from basic syntax to advanced topics like generics and error handling. It also includes Android-specific content on the last day.

The goal of the course to teach you Rust. We assume you don’t know anything about Rust and hope to:

  • Give you a comprehensive understanding of the Rust syntax and language.
  • Enable you to modify existing programs and write new programs in Rust.
  • Show you common Rust idioms.

Source: Welcome to Comprehensive Rust 🦀.

For Want of a JOIN

Once upon a time, I was on a small team tasked with building a data pipeline. On this team was someone we’ll call Bob, who was fresh out of grad school and hadn’t had much experience with software engineering, and no experience with SQL. As part of this data pipeline, Bob had to combine the data from two tables. JOIN is a core feature of SQL, so this ought to be simple, right? Unfortunately, Bob hadn’t learned any SQL past SELECT and WHERE.

Source: For Want of a JOIN, an article by Brian Kihoon Lee.

Making GHC faster at emitting code

One common complaint from industrial users of Haskell is that of compilation times: they are sometimes painfully slow. Some of that slowness is difficult to avoid—no matter how you slice it, typechecking and optimizing Haskell code takes a lot of work—but nobody would argue that there is not ample room for improvement. For the past few months, Krzysztof Gogolewski and I have had the opportunity to work with Mercury to identify what some of those improvements might be, and I am pleased to report that our first major patch toward that end will be part of GHC 9.6.

Source: Making GHC faster at emitting code, an article by Alexis King.