
Wed 21 Dec 2022

Nixpkgs support for incremental Haskell builds

The context for this post is that at work I recently implemented Nix ecosystem support for “incrementally” building Haskell packages. By “incrementally” I mean that these Nix builds only need to build what changed since the last full build of the package so that the package doesn’t need to be built from scratch every time.

The pull requests implementing this feature have not yet been approved or merged at the time of this writing, but I figured that I would explain the motivation, design, results, and limitations of this work to hopefully persuade people that this work should be merged.

Source: Nixpkgs support for incremental Haskell builds, an article by Gabriella Gonzalez.

WebAssembly: Docker without containers!

Recently Docker announced support for WebAssembly in cooperation with WasmEdge.

This article will explain what is WebAssembly, why it is relevant to the Docker ecosystem and provide some hands-on examples to try on. We assume you are familiar with the Docker tooling. We will be using our work on the WebAssembly port of PHP to demonstrate how to build a PHP interpreter, package it as part of an OCI image and run it using Docker.

Source: WebAssembly: Docker without containers!, an article by Asen Alexandrov.

My impressions of nixOS

So the past week has been interesting, to say the least...

I got tired of ubuntu/popOS's BS and decided it was time to try something new, and instead of going with the mainstream power user options such as Arch, Debian, or even Gentoo, I went with something a little more obscure...

NixOS! I've been using it full-time for a week and a half now and I have some thoughts to share with you

Source: My impressions of nixOS, an article by Yusuf Bouzekri.