
Sat 17 Dec 2022

Getting started with nmap

Nmap (Network mapper) is an open-source tool for network and security auditing. It is used for host and service discovery on networks and has a wide range of use cases. It can scan ports, discover live hosts, detect service and OS versions, runs vulnerability scans, and can be used with many scripts.

I'll show you the basics of nmap in this post. This is more than enough to get started.

Source: Getting started with nmap.

Using Org Mode to keep track of exercise

I have been using Org mode to keep a daily journal of useful notes for around a year now. One such type of note is the amount of exercise I’ve done on a particular day. While this is a useful record, I wanted to expand upon it and to produce a table at the end of each month so that I can track how I’m (hopefully) progressing.

This post details how I used Emacs, Org mode and a sprinkling of Elisp to do this.

Source: Using Org Mode to keep track of exercise.

A practical issue with YAML

These days, YAML is used as the configuration file format for an increasing amount of systems that I need to set up and operate for work. I have my issues with YAML in general (1, 2), but in the process of writing configuration files for programs that use YAML, I've found an entirely practical one, which I will summarize this way: a YAML schema description is not actually documentation for a system's configuration file.

Source: A practical issue with YAML: your schema is not actually documentation, an article by Chris Siebenmann.

The Lost Patient (2022)

The 19 years old Thomas wakes up in a hospital after three years in a coma. He doesn't remember anything. The psychologist Anna tells him that his family has been murdered and that he is the only survivor of the massacre while his sister Laura is still missing.

In the evening Esme and I watched The Lost Patient. I liked the movie and give it a 7.5 out of 10.

I also like the movie's French song Baisers Bizarre composed by Alex Beaupain. The female voice singing in this track is the actress Rebecca Williams who plays Laura in the movie.