
Fri 02 Dec 2022

NixOS: On Raspberry Pi 3B

Even a decommissioned Raspberry Pi could have some utility running on the home network. With some time to spare, last weekend seemed like the weekend for building RPi images. To get going quickly it’s possible to download pre-built NixOS SD card images from Hydra. Guaranteed to save me a lot of time, that was naturally not the path I chose. I wanted to build the image and machine configuration myself, because why not1.

Source: NixOS: On Raspberry Pi 3B, an article by Martin Myrseth.

Tutorial: forall in Haskell

forall is something called "type quantifier", and it gives extra meaning to polymorphic type signatures (e.g. :: a, :: a -> b, :: a -> Int, ...).

While normaly forall plays a role of the "universal quantifier", it can also play a role of the "existential quantifier" (depends on the situation).

What does all this mean and how can forall be used in Haskell? Read on to find out!

Source: Tutorial: forall in Haskell, an article by Martin Sosic.

I Came By (2022)

Follows a young graffiti artist who discovers a shocking secret that would put him and the ones closest to him in danger.

In the evening Alice, Esme, and I watched I Came By. I liked the movie and give it a 7 out of 10.