
Fri 25 Nov 2022

Feature Switch Best Practices

One of the best things to come out of the modern DevOps movement is the aggressive push for “feature switches” (also known as “feature flags” or “feature toggles”). At All Around the World , we strongly recommend them for our clients and sometimes we implement them, but I’m still surprised that many companies don’t use them. They’re dead-simple to build and they’re a powerful tool for site reliability. Unfortunately, many articles discuss how to build them or use them, but best practices are neglected. So we’ll skip the implementation and instead focus on using feature switches effectively.

Source: Feature Switch Best Practices, an article by Curtis "Ovid" Poe.

Linux’s Traceroute

The other day I just wanted to capture some basic Linux traceroutes but ended up troubleshooting different traceroute commands and Wireshark display anomalies.

Source: Linux’s Traceroute, an article by Johannes Weber.

Pattern Matching and Tail Recursion in Emacs Lisp

Functional programming offers a bunch of really cool programming patterns. Two that I really enjoy are tail recursion and pattern matching, especially how they are implemented in OCaml. However, I spend a lot of time writing Emacs Lisp now, and I was wondering if I could find a way to use these patterns in that language.

It turns out that it is possible, thanks to named-let and pcase. It isn’t as pretty and elegant as OCaml, but at least I get to keep excercising those parts of my programming brain. Maybe next I’ll try to figure out currying in Emacs Lisp.

Source: Pattern Matching and Tail Recursion in Emacs Lisp, an article by Erik L. Arneson.