
Tue 16 Aug 2022

Deconstructing Bézier curves

Graphists, animators, game programmers, font designers, and other graphics professionals and enthusiasts are often working with Bézier curves. They're popular, extensively documented, and used pretty much everywhere. That being said, I find them being explained almost exclusively in 2 or 3 dimensions, which can be a source of confusion in various situations. I'll try to deconstruct them a bit further in this article. At the end or the post, we'll conclude with a concrete example where this deconstruction is helpful.

Source: Deconstructing Bézier curves.

Rise of the Anti-Join

Find me all the things in set "A" that are not in set "B".

This is a pretty common query pattern, and it occurs in both non-spatial and spatial situations. As usual, there are multiple ways to express this query in SQL, but only a couple queries will result in the best possible performance.

Source: Rise of the Anti-Join, an article by Paul Ramsey.

Passgen: A password generator

I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with passwords. On the one hand, they are necessary for authenticating with services, and for decrypting drives. On the other hand, losing them means losing data or access to accounts. Choosing simpler passwords or reusing them across accounts makes dealing with them easier, but compromises their security.

Ideally, passwords should be as long as possible1. While previously, the advice was to use password policies (such as enforcing the use of special characters), current best practice is to avoid that2, and instead to encourage long passwords.

Source: Passgen: A password generator that uses a regex-like syntax to create secure passwords of any shape, an article by Patrick Elsen.