
Tue 12 Jul 2022

How MirageOS Powers Docker Desktop

Recently, I posted about how vpnkit, built with MirageOS libraries, powers Docker Desktop. Docker Desktop enables users to build, share and run isolated, containerised applications on either a Mac or Windows environment. With millions of users, it's the most popular developer tool on the planet. Hence, MirageOS networking libraries transparently handle the traffic of millions of containers, simplifying many developers' experience every day.

Source: How MirageOS Powers Docker Desktop, an article by Dave Scott.

Column order in PostgreSQL does matter

I’ve recently seen some really broad tables (hundreds of columns) in a somewhat inefficiently structured database. Our PostgreSQL support customer complained about strange runtime behavior which could not be easily explained. To help other PostgreSQL users in this same situation, I decided to reveal the secrets of a fairly common performance problem many people don’t understand: Column order and column access.

Source: Column order in PostgreSQL does matter, an article by Hans-Jürgen Schönig.