
Fri 10 Jun 2022

Write HTML Right

Even with a lot of help from a good text editor, writing HTML can be a drag. Nice documents end up as tag-swamps with little bits of content perched atop hills of tabs. Editing them becomes a test of patience and we get sick at the thought of having to look at our once-loved text. It doesn't have to be like this! There's a lightweight, easygoing way to write HTML that's been around since the beginning of the web.

Source: Write HTML Right, an article by Aaron D. Parks.

Data Race Patterns in Go

We developed a system to detect data races at Uber using a dynamic data race detection technique. This system, over a period of six months, detected about 2,000 data races in our Go code base, of which our developers already fixed ~1,100 data races.

Source: Data Race Patterns in Go, an article by Milind Chabbi and Murali Krishna Ramanathan.

Free Guy (2021)

A bank teller discovers that he's actually an NPC inside a brutal, open world video game.

In the evening Adam and I watched Free Guy. I liked the movie and give it a 7 out of 10.