
Fri 08 Apr 2022

Firefox DNS-over-HTTPS

When you type a web address or domain name into your address bar (example:, your browser sends a request over the Internet to look up the IP address for that website. Traditionally, this request is sent to servers over a plain text connection. This connection is not encrypted, making it easy for third-parties to see what website you’re about to access. DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) works differently. It sends the domain name you typed to a DoH-compatible DNS server using an encrypted HTTPS connection instead of a plain text one. This prevents third-parties from seeing what websites you are trying to access.

Source: Firefox DNS-over-HTTPS.

Why Literate Programming Might Help You Write Better Code

Literate programming is an approach to programming in which the code is explained using natural language alongside the source code. This is distinct from related practices such as documentation or code comments; there, the code is primary, with commentary and explanation being secondary. In literate programming, however, explanation has equal billing with the code itself.

Source: Why Literate Programming Might Help You Write Better Code, an article by Richard Gall.

A Deep Dive Into Go's Concurrency

Go is known for its first-class support for concurrency, or the ability for a program to deal with multiple things at once. Code concurrently running is becoming a more critical part of programming as computers move from running a single code stream faster to running more streams simultaneously.

Source: A Deep Dive Into Go's Concurrency, an article by Kevin Vogel.