
Thu 07 Apr 2022

YAML: The Missing Battery in Python

Python is often marketed as a batteries-included language because it comes with almost everything you’d ever expect from a programming language. This statement is mostly true, as the standard library and the external modules cover a broad spectrum of programming needs. However, Python lacks built-in support for the YAML data format, commonly used for configuration and serialization, despite clear similarities between the two languages.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to work with YAML in Python using the available third-party libraries, with a focus on PyYAML. If you’re new to YAML or haven’t used it in a while, then you’ll have a chance to take a quick crash course before diving deeper into the topic.

Source: YAML: The Missing Battery in Python, an article by Bartosz Zaczyński.

Mental models for learning Rust

Let us not beat around the bush: Rust is not easy to learn.

I think it took me nearly 1 year of full-time programming in Rust to become proficient and no longer have to read the documentation every 5 lines of code. It's a looong journey but absolutely worth it.

It requires you to re-think all the mental models you learned while using other programming languages.

This is why I thought it could be interesting to share how I adapted my programming habits when working with Rust along the years.

Source: Mental models for learning Rust, an article by Sylvain Kerkour.