
Mon 28 Feb 2022

Nix Flakes: Packages and How to Use Them

A package is a bundle of files. These files could be program executables, resources such as stylesheets or images, or even a container image. Most of the time you don't deal with packages directly and instead you use a *package manager* (a program whose sole goal in life is to deal with packages) to do actions for you. This post is going to cover how to define packages in Nix and how Nix flakes let you manage multiple packages per project more easily.

Source: Nix Flakes: Packages and How to Use Them, an article by Christine Dodrill.

understanding higher-kinded types

Kinds and first-order types can help us understand type-classes (or generics) as a logical extension of the type system.

Higher-kinded types take that a step further and include first-order types in our generics. They provide the means to abstract over types which themselves abstract over types.

Source: understanding higher-kinded types, an article by Dan Soucy.

How to Really Use Git: 10 Rules to Make Git More Useful

Version control can be an incredibly helpful tool: it provides a safety net for mistakes, lets you understand how your project evolved - and, ultimately, it gives you the power to take the quality of your software development process to a whole new level.

But only if you know how to use version control and Git effectively. Here are 10 rules that can help you!

Source: How to Really Use Git: 10 Rules to Make Git More Useful, an article by Bruno Brito.