
Sat 09 Oct 2021

Tips for debugging with print()

If you’re embarrassed at debugging with print(), please don’t be - it’s perfectly fine! Many bugs are easily tackled with just a few checks in the right places. As much as I love using a debugger, I often reach for a print() statement first.

Source: Tips for debugging with print(), an article by Adam Johnson.

Git as a storage

Git becomes quite popular SCM and everyone knows it a system for tracking source code changes. It’s a true, but many people doesn’t know that Git is an abstract storage that store data as binary pieces named blobs. It allows to store other artifacts useful during software development process. I’ll describe another scenarios where Git can be useful and what tools make it possible.

Source: Git as a storage, an article by Sergey Bronnikov.

Vim Anti-Patterns That Cause Beginners to :Quit

As much as I can recommend vim since I made the switch many years ago, there’s a bunch of anti-patterns I’ve commited myself (and later saw others repeat them), which often resulted in frustration and writing off the idea, perhaps prematurely. It’s a shame to see this, because to me vim is something else and it continues to bring a lot of joy to my work even after all this time. What follows are my thoughts on some mistakes, so hopefully others reading this will avoid them :)

Source: Vim Anti-Patterns That Cause Beginners to :Quit, an article by Pawel Duda.

A Hacker's Guide to Git

Git is currently the most widely used version control system in the world, mostly thanks to GitHub. By that measure, I’d argue that it’s also the most misunderstood version control system in the world.

Source: A Hacker's Guide to Git, an article by Joseph Wynn.