
Thu 19 Aug 2021

Gentle Guide to Get Started With tmux

tmux is a terminal multiplexer, meaning it is a window manager within your terminal. It allows you to open multiple windows (sessions) within one terminal window (session). So it enables other programs to run from it, allowing you to manipulate them easily. Most of the folks find that one of the features to use tmux on a daily basis.

Source: Gentle Guide to Get Started With tmux, an article by Nikola Đuza.

It never had to be like this: the git “index”

Hot on the heels of another Git-related article that was making the rounds recently, I was reminded of Git’s own structure and how it influences user experience. Specifically what we assume is part of how Git works, is actually a part of the porcelain (in Git speak, the user interface and commands that back it). As someone developing a Git client, it’s interesting to think Git’s user experience could be significantly different with a different interface, particularly because people have a particular mental model of Git influenced by the default interface. Said influence is enough that libgit2’s API emulates the porcelain’s semantics, in-process.

Source: It never had to be like this: the git "index".