
Tue 08 Jun 2021

Keeping up with Docker Official Images

We use Docker Official Images as the base images for several of our services. It's a popular choice, and there are good reasons for this. A dedicated team reviews them at Docker and gets actively maintained by experts from their respective communities, including the security community.

When we first started building these images, we struggled to integrate the process used to release fixes to the community. I can summarize our problems into two high-level buckets:

  • We were missing security and bug fixes. By missing, I mean that we weren't applying them quickly, or we weren't applying them at all.
  • Our builds were breaking mysteriously. Maybe all build breakages are mysterious, but this class of breakages was really bizarre!

It wasn't that patches weren't flowing in. The maintainers were doing a great job. It turned out that we needed a better approach for managing our Dockerfiles. We needed a Docker policy that could take advantage of the security and bug fixes that were reliably streaming in. And that was something we were missing entirely.

Source: Maintaining Docker Official Images an article by Jim Clark.

CSS: em, px, pt, cm, in…

CSS offers a number of different units for expressing length. Some have their history in typography, such as point (pt) and pica (pc), others are known from everyday use, such as centimeter (cm) and inch (in). And there is also a “magic” unit that was invented specifically for CSS: the px. Does that mean different properties need different units?

No, the units have nothing to do with the properties, but everything with the output media: screen or paper.

Source: CSS: em, px, pt, cm, in…, an article by Bert Bos.

the vulnerability remediation lifecycle of Alpine containers

Anybody who has the responsibility of maintaining a cluster of systems knows about the vulnerability remediation lifecycle: vulnerabilities are discovered, disclosed to vendors, mitigated by vendors and then consumers deploy the mitigations as they update their systems.

In the proprietary software world, the deployment phase is colloquially known as Patch Tuesday, because many vendors release patches on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. But how does all of this actually happen, and how do you know what patches you actually need?

I thought it might be nice to look at all the moving pieces that exist in Alpine’s remediation lifecycle, beginning from discovery of the vulnerability, to disclosure to Alpine, to user remediation. For this example, we will track CVE-2016-20011, which I just fixed in Alpine, which is a minor vulnerability in the libgrss library concerning a lack of TLS certificate validation when fetching https URIs.

Source: the vulnerability remediation lifecycle of Alpine containers, an article by Ariadne Conill.