
Wed 02 Jun 2021

The 17 Ways to Run Containers on AWS

As I mentioned on Twitter last week, there are 17 ways to run containers on AWS. While I pulled the number “17” out of the air, I have it on good faith that this caused something of a “meme explosion” inside of AWS. To that end, I can do no less but to enumerate the 17 container options, along with (and this is where I deviate from AWS itself) providing guidance and commentary as to which you should choose for a given task.

Source: The 17 Ways to Run Containers on AWS, an article by Corey Quinn.

Conditional HTTP GET: The fastest requests need no response body

Every browser implements its own in-memory caching. The information about the cache size per browser is spotty, but there’s one thing for sure: the cache sizes vary. The great thing is that browsers are smart nowadays – they manage their caches opaquely for us, the end-users.

There are a few ways to put these caches to use. But it all starts with HTTP caching directives (or headers). The two HTTP response headers used for specifying freshness (another word for should something be cached) are Cache-Control and Expires.

Source: Conditional HTTP GET: The fastest requests need no response body, an article by Ilija Eftimov.