
Thu 04 Mar 2021

Haskell Executable Sizes

This post is an experiment with reducing Haskell executable sizes. Inspired by

Reading the above post motivated me to investigate its techniques on a real world example. At work, there are some complex services with many transitive dependencies. Since Haskell executables are statically compiled by default, all the transitive dependencies are included in the output.

Source: Haskell Executable Sizes, an article by Dan Fithian.

Arrows Zoo

Don’t know about you, folks, but I had a hard time remembering all the Haskell arrows that you can bump into in all different situations. For example, I guess I will never be able to use ViewPatterns correctly on the first attempt. For me, the digest of every use case of each arrow in Haskell sounds like a handy thing to have, at least this information will be structured somewhere, so here we go.

Source: Arrows Zoo, an article by Veronika Romashkina.

Wholesome curl Calls for Your Blog Posts

An important part of each penetration test is the documentation of all discovered vulnerabilities. The documentation often includes program calls to further demonstrate how a vulnerability was found, tested or exploited. To better visualise these steps in the context of web applications, we often include invocations of the command-line HTTP client curl. In the following, we discuss how program calls can be styled for documentation to appeal to all audiences.

Source: Wholesome curl Calls for Your Blog Posts.