
Thu 24 Dec 2020

A perceptual color space for image processing

A perceptual color space is desirable when doing many kinds of image processing. It is useful for things like:

  • Turning an image grayscale, while keeping the perceived lightness the same
  • Increasing the saturation of colors, while maintaining perceived hue and lightness
  • Creating smooth and uniform looking transitions between colors

Unfortunately, as far as I am aware, while there are color spaces that aim to be perceptually uniform, none are without significant drawbacks when used for image processing.

For this reason I have designed a new perceptual color space, designed to be simple to use, while doing a good job at predicting perceived lightness, chroma and hue. It is called the Oklab color space, because it is an OK Lab color space.

Source: A perceptual color space for image processing, an article by Björn Ottosson.

How to Favicon in 2021: Six files that fit most needs

It is time to rethink how we cook a set of favicons for modern browsers and stop the icon generator madness. Currently, frontend developers have to deal with 20+ static PNG files just to display a tiny website logo in a browser tab or on a touchscreen. Read on to see how to take a smarter approach and adopt a minimal set of icons that fits most modern needs.

Source: How to Favicon in 2021: Six files that fit most needs, an article by Andrey Sitnik.

Build a Tiny Certificate Authority For Your Homelab

In this tutorial, we’re going to build a tiny, standalone, online Certificate Authority (CA) that will mint TLS certificates and is secured with a YubiKey. It will be an internal ACME server on our local network (ACME is the same protocol used by Let’s Encrypt). The YubiKey will securely store the CA private keys and sign certificates, acting as a cheap alternative to a Hardware Security Module (HSM). We’ll also use an open-source True Random Number Generator, called Infinite Noise TRNG, to spice up the Linux entropy pool.

Source: Build a Tiny Certificate Authority For Your Homelab, an article by Carl Tashian.