
Wed 23 Dec 2020

The Joy Of Typed Python

If I am to start working on a new project today, I would hesitate to attempt it in a language that does not have compile-time type checking. However, I do have to deal with Python at work (though we are slowly phasing it out). Also, I have been working off and on, in my spare time, on a Python project that has over the past 3+ years gotten fairly large as personal projects go. It started out as a one-off quick script. It eventually evolved into something larger that actually does something useful for me so I ended up adding to it and maintaining it.

Somewhere over a year and a half back, after being frustrated with my inability to refactor this code like I can with other type safe languages, I started exploring the possibility of adding type hints to the codebase. Now, after having spent the requisite time to understand the implications of type hinting, and whether it’s useful, and to be able to show this as a consolidation of my thoughts on the matter to friends and colleagues, I decided to write this post on what an absolute joy it has become to refactor and work with Python once you have type checking enforced.

Source: The Joy Of Typed Python, an article by Balajee Ramachandran.