Alice wanted to donate some of her hair for quite some time and today was the day.

Alice will donate her hair to Haarwensen.
Alice wanted to donate some of her hair for quite some time and today was the day.
Alice will donate her hair to Haarwensen.
This month I interview Damian Conway, one of the Guardians of Perl. Damian is computer scientist and excellent communicator—his presentations and courses are widely popular around the world. He was the Adjunct Associate Professor in the Faculty of Information Technology at Melbourne’s Monash University between 2001 and 2010.
Source: The Perl Ambassador: Damian Conway, an article by Mohammad S Anwar.
The iPad is a great tool for writers. For many professional and part-time writers it is a better option than a laptop.
In this feature we’ll look at why the iPad could be a better option for you. We’ll examine which model iPad to choose, explore keyboards and outline writing applications.
Source: A practical guide to writing on the iPad, an article by Bill Bennett.