
Tue 22 Sep 2020

The case for comments in code

When I first started programming, especially when asked for code samples, my comments lacked purpose and would often duplicate in English what the code clearly indicated. I knew that "commenting is good" but as a beginner I had no further insight.

Over time with the help of books like Clean Code, I grew disdainful of comments. Good code should be self-documenting. Whenever I needed to write a comment to explain something, I'd realize I could easily rename some key variable or function. I grew more comfortable with variables and functions with a few words in the title. Better to spend time on good code structure and naming.

Source: The case for comments in code, an article by Phil Eaton.

Improving Python exception chaining with raise-from

Back in the yee-haw days of 2003, Raymond Hettinger wrote an email to the python-dev mailing list, sharing an idea for improving the way that Python handles exceptions that are caught and replaced with other exceptions. The goal was to avoid losing information about the first exception while reporting the second one. Showing the full information to the user would make debugging easier, and if you’ve followed my work before, you know there’s nothing I love better than that.

Source: Improving Python exception chaining with raise-from, an article by Ram Rachum.