In the afternoon I noticed that the Aphonopelma seemanni I keep was
out in the open, on top of the piece of cork underneath which she has
her burrow. I discovered that this large tarantula is a female the
28th of June,
2020 by inspecting her
exuviae (molt).
Female Aphonopelma seemanni on top of her burrow.
In the above photo you can clearly see the beautiful pattern on her
legs; I love the contrast it makes.
After I took the above photo I gave her two mealworms.
A question I often hear from teams - both new and established - is
“should we host our stack on
Kubernetes?”. Given all the buzz it gets
in the tech world a lot of people assume so.
I’ve been working with k8s for several years - often with very
powerful and complex platforms - and I think the truth is more
Here’s my attempt at untangling that decision. It’s geared toward
startups and self-sufficient teams in wider organisations with
responsibility for hosting their own products. It might also have
value to people in more traditional IT departments at larger