
Thu 06 Aug 2020

Post 500

For 500 days I have been blogging on Plurrrr non-stop, one post a day. Thank you for reading and following!

The JavaScript Promise Tutorial

This post is intended to be the ultimate JavaScript Promises tutorial: recipes and examples for everyday situations (or that’s the goal 😉). We cover all the necessary methods like then, catch, and finally. Also, we go over more complex situations like executing promises in parallel with Promise.all, timing out APIs with Promise.race, promise chaining and some best practices and gotchas.

Source: The JavaScript Promise Tutorial, an article by Adrian Mejia.

Debugging Python server memory leaks with the Fil profiler

Your server is running just fine, handling requests and sending responses. But then, ever so slowly, memory usage creeps up, and up, and up–until eventually your process runs out of memory and crashes. And then it restarts, and the leaking starts all over again.

In order to fix memory leaks, you need to figure out where that memory is being allocated. And that can be tricky, unless you use the right tools.

Let’s see how you can identify the exact lines of code that are leaking by using the Fil memory profiler.

Source: Debugging Python server memory leaks with the Fil profiler, an article by Itamar Turner-Trauring.

The new CSS property that boosts your rendering performance

The content-visibility property, launching in Chromium 85, might be one of the most impactful new CSS properties for improving page load performance. content-visibility enables the user agent to skip an element's rendering work, including layout and painting, until it is needed. Because rendering is skipped, if a large portion of your content is off-screen, leveraging the content-visibility property makes the initial user load much faster. It also allows for faster interactions with the on-screen content. Pretty neat.

Source: content-visibility: the new CSS property that boosts your rendering performance, an article by Una Kravets and Vladimir Levin.