
Tue 12 May 2020

Eurasian coot family

On the way back from shopping Esme and I stopped to look at the Eurasian coot family that lives close to our house. Each time we count the chicks and, luckily, each time the number is six.

Eurasian coot, Fulica atra, family
Eurasian coot, Fulica atra, family with 3 of the 6 chicks.

The coots are not afraid of humans and actually came quite close to us, probably expecting to be fed. So we guess someone is feeding them.

Pterinochilus murinus opened its burrow

In the evening I noticed that the Pterinochilus murinus sling I keep had opened its burrow; a cork tube halve that the small tarantula had closed off with webbing and substrate shortly after I got it.

I put a pre-killed mealworm, Tenebrio molitor, near the entrance of the burrow and soon after it was gone.

I suspect the tarantula has molted while in hiding.

What Writing DRY Code Really Means

Most developers early in their careers learn an important programming principle called Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY). For most engineers this basically means avoid writing the same lines of code more than once, and realistically that’s the best place to start when learning how to write efficient code. While DRY is an important code-writing concept, it’s far from the whole story.

Source: What Writing DRY Code Really Means, an article by Shawn Deprey.

Spam Filtering Using Bag-of-Words

In this post, we’re going to employ one simple natural language processing (NLP) algorithm known as bag-of-words to classify messages as ham or spam. Using bag of words and feature engineering related to NLP, we’ll get hands-on experience on a small dataset for SMS classification.

Source: Spam Filtering Using Bag-of-Words, an article by Nikita Sharma.

Learning Haskell: Getting Setup

This is the first part of my series of articles on learning Haskell, I’ll be taking you through my journey learning the functional programming language.

Before we can start writing any Haskell we should first get it setup on our machine.

Source: Learning Haskell: Getting Setup, an article by Grant Leadbetter.