
Wed 15 Apr 2020

Pandas Pivot — The Ultimate Guide

Pandas pivot is an essential tool of every Data Scientist. Some use it daily and others avoid it because it seems complex. I was in the latter group for quite a while. After I took the time and did some research, I felt like I wasted a lot of time writing unnecessary code. To my surprise, I already knew the main building blocks of pandas. It is all simpler than it may seem.

Source: Pandas Pivot — The Ultimate Guide, an article by Roman Orac.

When to Mock

The use of mocks in unit testing is a controversial topic (maybe less so now than several years ago). I remember how, throughout my programming career, I went from mocking almost every dependency, to the "no-mocks" policy, and then to "only mock external dependencies".

None of this practices are good enough. In this article, I’ll show you which dependencies to mock, and which to use as is in your tests.

Source: When to Mock, an article by Vladimir Khorikov.