
Tue 14 Apr 2020

DIY Single Sign-On for SSH

In this post we're going to set up Google single sign-on for SSH. Behind the scenes, we'll use OpenID Connect (OIDC), short-lived SSH certificates, a couple of clever SSH configuration tweaks, and Smallstep's open-source step-ca and step packages. We will set up an SSH Certificate Authority, and use it to bootstrap a new host and a new user in our system. While this approach requires more up-front work than a typical SSH public/private key setup, it comes with a lot of benefits beyond single sign-on. It eliminates the need for gathering and shipping and managing authorized_keys files.

Source: DIY Single Sign-On for SSH, an article by Carl Tashian.

Debugging with Delve

I admit that I’d only used a debugger for Go a couple of times; up until now all my debugging involved writing a new test, or multiple fmt.Printf statements. This past weekend I decided to finally learn how to use Delve.

Source: Debugging with Delve, an article by Paschalis Tsilias.

Resample and Interpolate time series data

Resampling is a method of frequency conversion of time series data. You can use resample function to convert your data into the desired frequency.

Generally, the data is not always as good as we expect. For example: The data coming from a sensor is captured in irregular intervals because of latency or any other external factors

In order to work with a time series data the basic pre-requisite is that the data should be in a specific interval size like hourly, daily, monthly etc.

In this post we are going to explore the resample method and different ways to interpolate the missing values created by Downsampling or Upsampling of the data

Source: Resample and Interpolate time series data.