
Mon 25 Nov 2019

Modern Networking in Swift 5

Swift 5 system frameworks already provide us with all the tools that we need to write concise networking layer. In this article we’ll implement a promise-based networking agent by using vanilla Swift 5 APIs: Codable, URLSession and the Combine framework. To battle-test our networking layer, we’ll practice with several real-world examples that query Github REST API and synchronize the HTTP requests in chain and in parallel.

Source: Modern Networking in Swift 5 with URLSession, Combine and Codable, an article by Vadim Bulavin.

Configurable types in Swift

When starting to write a new class, struct, or other type, we most often have a very specific goal or use case in mind. We might need a new model to represent some data that we’re working with, or we might want to encapsulate a piece of logic that’s tailored for a new feature that we’re building.

However, over time, we quite often find ourselves wanting to use a highly similar version of that same type or logic, but for something entirely different. We might want to reuse an existing model, but handle it in a slightly different way — or we could be looking to accomplish a task that’s very similar to something we’ve already solved, but with a different type of result.

The question then becomes — how to take our existing code, and refactor it to make it more generic and reusable — without ending up with something messy or unfocused. This week, let’s take a look at a technique for doing just that — that involves making certain types increasingly configurable.

Source: Configurable types in Swift, an article by John Sundell.