
Wed 25 Sep 2019

Tmux Tutorial

In this short tutorial, I am going through some of the basic concepts and commands for Tmux, and how to use a Tmux plugin, which is called Tmux Resurrect, to restore Tmux environment after reboot or Tmux server restart.

Source: Tmux Tutorial, by Lei Mao.

See also Hacker News for a discussion of this short tutorial and additional tips.

How to use the journalctl Linux command

If you've used any modern Linux distribution, chances are good you have become familiar with systemd. You might have also happened upon a systemd issue when an app or service refuses to start. When that's the case, you might have found yourself in a situation where you're not quite sure how to begin troubleshooting.

Fortunately for every Linux admin, there's a built-in tool to help you with that. Said tool is journalctl. Journalctl is the utility used for querying the systemd logging utility, journald. With the help of journald and journalctl, you can begin the process of troubleshooting why a service is refusing to start. Journald also tracks logs to a specific boot. With this mechanism, you can compare system boots to see when a service was working properly versus when it wasn't.

Source: How to use the journalctl Linux command, an article by Jack Wallen.

An advanced look at Python interfaces using zope.interface

In order to make those things explicit, you need a way to express expected interfaces. One of the first big systems written in Python was the Zope web framework, and it needed those things desperately to make it obvious what rendering code, for example, expected from a "user-like object."

Enter zope.interface, which is developed by Zope but published as a separate Python package. Zope.interface helps declare what interfaces exist, which objects provide them, and how to query for that information.

An advanced look at Python interfaces using zope.interface, an article by Moshe Zadka.