
Sat 15 Apr 2023

Grappling With C

I want to learn C, for several reasons:

  • it's the granddaddy of all languages
  • I need a compiled language in my repertoire
  • in the short time that I've used it, it feels really simple
  • flexing rights

I am all too well aware of the new hotness - Rust/Go. I am sure both of these are excellent languages, each with its unique ecosystem of features, communities, and goals. But there's a back to the roots feeling with C. Somewhere in my mind, I feel that C is still important if you want to know what the heck is going in your computer.

Source: Grappling With C: Part 1 πŸ‹, an article by Ishaan Arora.

916 days of Emacs

So over time, Emacs has become my programming environment, email client, window manager, knowledge base, and a lot more. I think I ended up using Emacs for almost as many things as possible; I even authored a few packages that implement certain parts of my workflows that weren’t readily available.

Source: 916 days of Emacs, an article by Pavel Korytov.

Running Tasks Concurrently in Django Asynchronous Views

Async support has really been improving and expanding in Django! Since Django 3.0 with the addition of ASGI support (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) there has been a steady march of improvements that bring Django closer to having a full asynchronous request-response cycle.

Now we're to the point where there's enough foundational support that interesting things are possible for our "normal web apps.". This is where it gets really exciting for people! Here we'll take a look at how we can start using async views with Django.

Source: Running tasks concurrently in Django asynchronous views, an article by Mariusz Felisiak.